Prepare your suitcase!
I reveal my travelogues
and my good addresses...

Save hours of surfing the web to find the right package! And travel otherwise...

Saves time and money, to travel cheaper with tailor-made solutions, responsible tourism ... Are you interested in it?

Well, don't look for anymore! I found, negotiated and tested travels to distan horizons for my vacation.

Discover all the destinations with incredible prices of my trips!

This is my own experience ! Order one of my best travel deals to get the confidential adress of the local contact and all related information. Then, you book directly with him your own tailor-made trip at the best rate as you like*.

"Access to my secrets" for only €70 and you will save a lot of money at the end!

My last travel in november 2022 to OMAN is on line.

And if you want to travel to Sri Lanka, contact me for further information. 

* The services may be different depending on the availability and/ or your personal choice and also quotations according to the exchanges rate.



NEPAL, 11 days / 10 nights
Cost of my trip : 650€
The "roof of the world" is a legendary land where Buddha was born. Nepal, which was the refuge of the hippies in the sixties, is now frequented by hikers in search of fresh air. I was seduced by its culture marked by tradition, and its fabulous landscapes: plains and valleys, the legendary chain of the Himalaya or the jungles of the Terai and the rich wildlife of Nepal.
Zanzibar, Tanzanie

Nothing but its name has its share of mystery and evokes many stories of...
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Le bon plan pour cet hiver : un voyage pas cher en Chine, sur mesure et de qualité... oui, c'est possible avec mon partenaire à Pékin, Pierre, qui propose ce voyage individuel 7 jours/6 nuits, avec guide et chauffeur rien que pour vous, à partir de 394 euros/par personne.
Départs les 07 fév, 3 ou 17 mars. Pour connaître l'itinéraire détaillé, me contacter.

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Vous souhaitez partir vers une autre destination ? C’est à vous !